verdure a piacere
zenzero 1 pezzetto
aglio 1 spicchio
fagioli q.b.
uvetta 1 cucchiaio
curry q.b.
latte q.b.
sale q.b.
In una padella mettere un filo d'olio, l'aglio e lo zenzero. Far cuocere per un pò, poi aggiungere le verdure. Salare e abbondare :) di curry. Quando le verdure si sono ammorbidite mettere anche l'uvetta e i fagioli. Finire con un pò di latte e terminare la cottura. Servire con cous cous, riso, ecc.
English version
Curry of veggies
veggies at pleasure
ginger a little piece
garlic 1 clove
beans to taste
raisins 1 T
curry powder to taste
milk a little
salt to taste
In a pan put some oil with garlic and ginger. Cook a little, then add the veggies. Sprinkle on salt and add a liberal amount of curry. When the veggies are soft, put raisins and beans. Finish with some milk and end to cook. Serve with cous cous, rice, etc.
ginger a little piece
garlic 1 clove
beans to taste
raisins 1 T
curry powder to taste
milk a little
salt to taste
In a pan put some oil with garlic and ginger. Cook a little, then add the veggies. Sprinkle on salt and add a liberal amount of curry. When the veggies are soft, put raisins and beans. Finish with some milk and end to cook. Serve with cous cous, rice, etc.
fonte: Chocolate-Covered Katie
2 commenti:
Aww your photo is gorgeous!
Ohh thank you :)
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